What is our money-back guarantee and return policy?

We value customer satisfaction, which is why your purchase comes with our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with Earth Powder, simply reach out to us within 30 days of your initial order to start the refund process for your purchase.

30-Days Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with Earth Powder, you may request a refund for your first order within 30 days of purchase by returning the remaining product and packaging, and by sending an email to hello@earthpowder.com. Please make sure to include your name, order date, order number, and address in the email. Upon receiving your email, we will provide instructions on where and how to return the product for a refund.

For double subscriptions, a full refund will only be issued if both packages are returned; if only one package is returned, half of the price will be refunded. You must ensure that we are provided with a tracking number for the return shipment to the provided address by emailing the tracking number to hello@earthpowder.com. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse the return shipping costs. Refunds will be processed within 8 weeks of receiving the returned product.

This money-back guarantee applies to first-time purchases or subscriptions and can be used only once. Special offers and promotions are exempt from the guarantee.